Christmassy Afternoon

My family and I every year have been going to a local garden centre to see their Christmas displays. They are very extra and are always a great way to spend the afternoon. There are a lot of decorations and if you can think of it, it’s likely there as a Christmas decoration.

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My 2020: January, February, March & April

I can’t lie for the first few months this year I wasn’t really into blogging, I had quite a few of pre-written posts and I was busy getting to grips with my new role at work. But with quarantine I suddenly had a lot of spare time on my hands. So I thought I would get back into writing these posts as I enjoyed doing them last year!

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Trying to Not Give AF About Dating

This post sort of follows on from the online dating post from a little while ago. Before I started dating again I was perfectly content with where I was in life and where things were going. When I’m not looking for guys I’m much more of a cool cucumber and don’t really think twice about them. However, after being on a few dates and getting back into the world of getting to know new people it made me start thinking about not being single any more.

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